Sun. May 18 0830/1300
36 miles Norfolk, VA to Mobjack
Bay, VA
Last night the marina next to us had a party which we were invited
to. Several pigs were slow roasted all day. All we needed to bring was a dish
to pass. The festivities included “Colors” (raising of the American flag), the
national anthem, a Virginian Senator spoke, music, and burning of socks. Yes
that’s right burning of socks. This tradition began with Capt. Turner in Annapolis in 1980. He
spent winters working on OPBs – “other peoples' boats". At winter's end, he would end up with socks with
a variety of debris and dried varnishes and fiberglass goop. One day, which
happened to be the Spring equinox, he shed his socks, headed out onto the pier
with a paint-roller tray, put the socks in, doused them with lighter fluid, and
tossed in a match. To this day near the start of Spring, east coast boating
groups honor this tradition.
This morning we left the marina with a forecasted 10 mph
winds. Wrong!!!! A couple of hours into our cruise the wind picked up and the
waves started building to 6-8 feet straight at us. The charts came out and we
found another anchorage closer to us to get off the Chesapeake . We pulled into Mobjack Bay
then up East River about a mile to anchor. The
anchorage is well protected from the wind and very quite.
Anchorage in East River.
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