Monday, June 16, 2014

Sat. June 14    0900/1430
24 miles         Trenton (lock 1) to Percy Reach, Ontario (lock 8)
Our first lock was only a mile away and since they don’t open till 9 am we could start a little later. Today’s travels took us through 7 locks with the highest lift being 20 feet. This section of the waterway took us through more farm country and lock 8 which was a very quite and secluded stop.
Hydro Power house, Dam, and Lock 2

 Lock Master "House". Now these buildings are used as offices and restrooms at the locks.
 Inuksuk. Means in the likeness of humans. They are monuments made of unworked stones.
The traditional meaning is "Some one was here" or " You are on the right path".
We found these statues all through Canada.

 Tied up at lock 8.
 Sun. June 15      1442/1630
5 miles            Percy Reach, Ontario (lock 8) to Ranney Falls, Ontario (lock 12)
Today we got a late start due to the next lock we were to go through, which was a mile away, had a power outage last night. All the debris (mainly trees and logs) that gets stuck by the dam moved toward the lock instead and lodged in front of the gate.  While we waited for them to clean out lock 9 Randy & I helped with the hand cranking to open the gate doors at lock 8.  Once lock 9 was cleaned and all of the debris was out of the way a call was made to the lock master at lock 8 and we decided to move on a few miles.
Here we are working. That retirement didn't last long!
 Being out in the country we had a lot of wild life.

 More Inuksuk statues. You never know where you will find one and it's fun looking.

 Part of the debris that was pulled out of lock 9.

We ended up going through 4 locks, 2 of which were a double lock. This double lock is called a flight lock. When the boat comes out of one lock it is actually entering the next lock. Both locks were a lift of 24 feet so we went up a total of 48 feet during that flight lock. We tied up just outside that lock. Next to this lock is a large park for hiking and camping. To get to this park from our side we had to cross a pedestrian suspension bridge.
Lock 11 & 12.

 Suspension bridge to park.
 From bridge looking north.
Looking south. 



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